“I salute [Court Care’s] tenacity and success in providing safe, convenient and free child care for court users. It protects children from seeing and hearing inappropriate things in court proceedings. And it allows court hearings to proceed with far fewer disruptions. Judges, court employees, and court users all benefit from Court Care. I wish that we could replicate your success in other communities throughout Colorado.”

Mary J. Mullarkey
Former Chief Justice of the Supreme Court of Colorado

Jennifer is a mother of two young children, a military widow, and works part-time to make ends meet. About a year ago, she was a crime victim. Following legal action, the perpetrator began to threaten and harass Jennifer and her family. Finding herself a single parent, and needing to protect her children, Jennifer went to the police to seek a restraining order. Because she was faced with a quick court date, she did not have another option for safe child care and was referred to Court Care.

“When you’re getting a restraining order, kids can’t be in the courtroom. The first time I used Court Care I was scared to death, worrying if my kids were all right. When I went downstairs to pick them up, they didn’t want to leave! I couldn’t believe it, these were my kids who never want to leave my side!”

Court Care kept Jennifer’s children from hearing about threats being made to them and to their mother, and allowed Jennifer to testify knowing that her children were not listening. Jennifer’s legal proceedings required several court appearances, and without an alternative safe child care option, Jennifer never hesitated to use Court Care again. She knew her children were secure and happy. In fact, whenever she drives by the courthouse, her children ask to stop and visit Court Care’s staff.

“When someone you love suddenly dies, you shut down. Court Care was so loving and good to my kids. It really helped them learn to be secure little people. Now when I leave them, they don’t worry if mommy is coming back anymore. They know they are all right. Court Care really helped with attachment issues… I could rave about Court Care all day!”


Last fall, Sandra was going through a violent divorce. The 43-year-old professional was trying to juggle her four young children, her small business, an abusive husband, and the legal system.

“My husband was being erratic, abusive, and he would take the children for visitation and wouldn’t give them back to me. Other times he would visit the children at home and would become abusive. We couldn’t get away from it. I needed a protective order,“ Sandra recalls.

“There was a day when I had to appear in court with very little notice. I didn’t have time to find a sitter. Without being in court that day to get the protective order, I wouldn’t have been able to keep us safe.”

Court Care took care of Sandra’s children so that she could attend to her business in court.

“People should know that in order to go to court, they don’t need to leave their children in a situation where they might be at risk. As for me, I certainly didn’t need for my children to hear their mother testifying against their dad. The people at Court Care are very good at what they do, and were so helpful.”
